Kitchen Trends For 2021 in Calgary, AB


Spring is finally here! We’ve put the horror show of 2020 firmly in the rear-view mirror, and folks are eyeing home renovation projects as a way to rejuvenate both their environments and their spirits. Many people are still working from home, and helping kids with lessons at the kitchen table has become a new norm these days. Isn’t it time to make everyone’s favorite room a little more inviting, a lot more useful, and the place everybody wants to gather in at the end of the day?

There are plenty of new trends out there this year, some of which revisit old tastes – wooden cabinets, anyone? — and some of which are dazzlingly new and fashionable. Whether you want your kitchen to become a shared space that serves multiple purposes or you’re simply looking to update the space where you cook, there are lots of fresh ideas out there. Are you a DIY specialist or are you hiring an interior designer and contractor in Calgary? Either way, these suggestions highlight the most popular trends the experts forecast for 2021 kitchen renovations:

  • Colour is popping out all over. We’re seeing splashes of colour in kitchen renovations of all styles – modern, traditional and super lux. All white kitchens are still a mainstay of designers everywhere, but plenty are adding a hit of colour to make kitchens more visually interesting. For example, how about painting the base of your kitchen island in a bold red, or a serene green, or a sea-lovers blue? No colour is out of bounds right now, so talk it over with a professional interior designer and decide where a splash of color could work.
  • Pantries continue to be popular choices for storage. A tall cupboard with glass panes and plenty of shelves adds a fabulous touch to any kitchen renovation. Or a wooden pantry styled after the antique cupboards of old is also a great way to bring a unique touch to your kitchen while getting the storage space you need. Pantries are endlessly versatile, in size, material, shape and colour, so the sky’s the limit. 
  • Veined marble is a luxurious choice. Plenty of kitchens right now are done in marble rather than granite, and it’s a truly luxurious choice for a high-end kitchen makeover. But – and it’s a big one – marble has a tendency to absorb liquids and other substances that stain. Think red wine or crayons… then ask yourself, do you really want to be fighting about what the family can put down on the chopping block or island? Marble is gorgeous, no question, but it’s an investment that can bring problems if it isn’t sealed thoroughly and cleaned well. If you’ve got a big family with young children, opt for a kitchen counter top material that’s more durable and easier to maintain.
  • Wood is back for cupboards, big time. Some woods, including blonde pine and dark walnut, are very big right now and look stunning in kitchens in all kinds of colours. Light or dark, knotty or smooth, wood lends character and style to kitchens of all sizes.

These are just a few of the latest trends and styles we’re seeing on the horizon for the coming months. Decide on a budget, decide on your style and colours, and then get in touch with the professionals at Kay2 Contracting for all but the simplest tasks. After the year everyone had in 2020, don’t you deserve to treat yourself to a brand, new, sparkling kitchen renovation? We think so! Whether you live in Calgary, Canmore, Banff or Edmonton and surrounding areas contract the experts at Kay2 and start your kitchen renovation journey today.

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